Director | DoP | Editor | Colourist
Just Eat Home of the Hotspots
181.6M Impressions, 24M Views, 9 Months, 7 Episodes, 4 Cities, 2x Lovie Awards

Cast & Crew
Client: @justeatuk
Agency: @deptagency
Talents: @fat.sam.eats @sandrofarmhouse @tastecadets @seapa220 @marcuslurks @kieroshima @chefmichelletrusselle @dudu_eats @xiensscran @mamajoleneyu
Restaurants: @northernsoulmcr @rackmcr @yasssbean @arepaandco @sweetdeesjerk @littlekochicardiff @kasaandkin
Post House: @cheat_it @okaystudio
Director & DoP: @iamjosiahwilliams
Camera Operators: @alexanderstagg @iamjosiahwilliams @oliviasofiaferrara
Gaffers: @russell_g_britespark_gaffer @sachinparmarfilm
Sparks: Adam Murphy @kristiana_zhekova
Food Stylists: @katetighefoodstylist @christina_murray_food_stylist @sonalishahfood Loic Remisot @fortheflavour
Set Stylist: Lottie Toon
Production Manager: @timbotimbo
Location Manager: Judith Chan @spacerainbowfilms Jonny Pratt Jacques Groenewald Tye Rutherford
HMUA @loispickup_mua @doeydrummondmakeup @nicolefairfield
Sound Recordists: @johnny_soundman @sound_designed
Sound Assist: @rajan1993 Geoff Widdowson
Film Photographer: @alexanderstagg
Sound Designer/Mixer: @tennysonwhyte
Editors: @aligill___ @lewisjb9 @jen._russell @e.c_creative
Colourists: @_nlsn_ @lulucolour_ @sebastian_colour @dayofthejack @alexo.colour @kawolinem
Runners: Oliver Williams @eat.sleep.make.repeat Lois Griffiths Charles Greenwood Krishna Modhwadia Ashley Gadsby
PA: @chloemalonexxx
DIT: @jonjonaugustus
Splitter 1: Andy Labrow
Splitter 2: Dom Brophy
Splitz Driver: Ian Mcall
Security: Dale Porter & Marc Christian
Producers: @viridian.kerr @kamac__
Assistant Producer: @eliviatoni
Creative Director: @100percentboys
Senoir Creative: @adampeterconley
Creatives: @sologreaves @nanette_xo
Group Account Head: @oliviaellenger
Account Head Hamzah Ehsan @espinadesigns
Lead Account Planner: @charldalex
Lead Post Producers: @danlwatt @jonjonaugustus
Post Production: @athenexenia
Design Graphics/Animation/Social Edits: @onebillionpounds jordz
Lead Casting Producer: @sophiealexandra_
Casting Producer: Nadia Harrison
Post-Production Dora Medić
Design Direction: @amberlilysilva
Kit Hire: @directdigitalhq